Anesthetic/low Oxygen Alzheimer's link
BOSTON (UPI) -- An anesthetic and low oxygen during surgery have been linked to a build-up of amyloid-beta proteins associated with Alzheimer's disease, a U.S. study found. Cell studies showed a common anesthetic -- desflurane -- did not cause a build up of amyloid-beta protein, however, when the anesthetic was combined with low oxygen it linked to more production of the proteins associated with Alzheimer's disease. Bin Zhang, Yuanlin Dong, Rudolph Tanzi, Zhongcong Xie and colleagues at Massachusetts General Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School in Boston said hypoxia said low oxygen -- by itself -- did not have this effect. The findings, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, were produced from human brain cell culture experiments and should next be confirmed by animal models. The preliminary findings suggest it is important to ensure anesthetic patients maintain sufficient brain oxygen, the researchers said. The study exposed human brain cells to 12 percent desflurane for six hours -- mimicking surgical conditions -- and found no observable changes in either the production of amyloid-beta protein or the rate of cell death. However, desflurane combined with low oxygen levels of 18 percent could stimulate both of these cellular changes.
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Lifelong Health: Heartsaver CT Scan More Often a Heartbreaker
Dr. David Lipschitz
Once again, new information about CT scans of the heart muddies the waters on the procedure, its effectiveness and its role in detecting heart disease. An article just published in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated that measuring the amount of calcium in coronary arteries using a heart CT scan is a sensitive predictor of heart attacks in men and women of all ethnic groups (blacks, Hispanics, Asians and whites), irrespective of age. The authors suggest that this simple noninvasive approach will make the diagnosis of coronary artery disease quicker and more accurate. Adding the CT scan to other risk factors of coronary artery disease -- such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, being a male, having a strong family history of heart disease and cigarette smoking -- increased the chance of accurately identifying heart disease from 79 percent to 83 percent. On the surface, the heart CT scan seems like a simple, easy and effective way to identify coronary artery disease. However, there are serious concerns. In an editorial in the same journal, Dr. W.S. Weintraub questions whether the test adds any benefit to other screening tests, suggesting it is not cost-effective, and the amount of irradiation is so excessive that it could increase the risk of cancer. While there is little debate that a CT scan can provide an incredibly detailed picture of the heart, the greatest concern is what is done when a problem is identified. Today, hospitals across the nation are offering a "Heartsaver CT scan" to screen for coronary artery disease for as little as $100. The result is thousands of asymptomatic adults flocking to hospitals to take advantage of this amazingly cheap "preventive" treatment. Those with high calcium scores are referred to a cardiologist and, despite not having any symptoms, are tested further by stress tests and angiograms. Narrowed arteries are often opened by angioplasty and placing of a stent. On occasion, the patient is referred for coronary bypass grafting surgery (CABG). While many patients and physicians swear that this is "lifesaving" therapy, there is little evidence that this approach is of value. In fact, there is no proven scientific study to demonstrate that invasive procedures on healthy individuals with a positive calcium score are of any clinical benefit. Angioplasty does not prevent heart attacks or prolong life, and it should be limited to patients with symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath. Here, angioplasty can be of some benefit, particularly in those patients who have found no relief with medications. CABG does prolong life in select patients with isolated blockage of the left main coronary artery, in diabetics, and in those with severe damage to the heart muscle that significantly impairs its ability to pump blood out of the heart. But in asymptomatic individuals with significant narrowing of multiple coronary arteries, the evidence of benefit is marginal, particularly if the patient is committed to a heart-healthy lifestyle. Sadly, I know of many asymptomatic patients over the age of 70 who, lured by the promise of a Heartsaver CT, were diagnosed with a high calcium score and received invasive, aggressive therapy. I will never forget the patient who, at age 78, had a Heartsaver CT. She had a high calcium score and was referred to a cardiologist, who told her she needed immediate surgery. She had major complications and spent the last three years of her life in a nursing home. Prior to her surgery she was healthy, happy and independent. The heart CT scan is best used for patients experiencing shortness of breath or chest pain. In this circumstance, it can help determine the cause of the symptoms. But for the healthy, and particularly for those over age 70, the heart CT should be used sparingly, if at all. Everyone from middle age and beyond should consider himself at high risk of heart disease. As such, we should all live a heart-healthy lifestyle -- eat a healthy diet, exercise, take an aspirin a day, stop smoking, and treat elevated blood pressure and cholesterol. The greatest role of the heart CT scan is to help patients understand their risk of heart attack. For healthy, asymptomatic middle-aged adults, these scans ultimately confirm what we already should know -- it simply does not make sense. ======== Dr. David Lipschitz is the author of the book "Breaking the Rules of Aging." To find out more about Dr. David Lipschitz and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at More information is available at
Copyright 2008 Creators Syndicate Inc.
Dr. David Lipschitz
Once again, new information about CT scans of the heart muddies the waters on the procedure, its effectiveness and its role in detecting heart disease. An article just published in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated that measuring the amount of calcium in coronary arteries using a heart CT scan is a sensitive predictor of heart attacks in men and women of all ethnic groups (blacks, Hispanics, Asians and whites), irrespective of age. The authors suggest that this simple noninvasive approach will make the diagnosis of coronary artery disease quicker and more accurate. Adding the CT scan to other risk factors of coronary artery disease -- such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, being a male, having a strong family history of heart disease and cigarette smoking -- increased the chance of accurately identifying heart disease from 79 percent to 83 percent. On the surface, the heart CT scan seems like a simple, easy and effective way to identify coronary artery disease. However, there are serious concerns. In an editorial in the same journal, Dr. W.S. Weintraub questions whether the test adds any benefit to other screening tests, suggesting it is not cost-effective, and the amount of irradiation is so excessive that it could increase the risk of cancer. While there is little debate that a CT scan can provide an incredibly detailed picture of the heart, the greatest concern is what is done when a problem is identified. Today, hospitals across the nation are offering a "Heartsaver CT scan" to screen for coronary artery disease for as little as $100. The result is thousands of asymptomatic adults flocking to hospitals to take advantage of this amazingly cheap "preventive" treatment. Those with high calcium scores are referred to a cardiologist and, despite not having any symptoms, are tested further by stress tests and angiograms. Narrowed arteries are often opened by angioplasty and placing of a stent. On occasion, the patient is referred for coronary bypass grafting surgery (CABG). While many patients and physicians swear that this is "lifesaving" therapy, there is little evidence that this approach is of value. In fact, there is no proven scientific study to demonstrate that invasive procedures on healthy individuals with a positive calcium score are of any clinical benefit. Angioplasty does not prevent heart attacks or prolong life, and it should be limited to patients with symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath. Here, angioplasty can be of some benefit, particularly in those patients who have found no relief with medications. CABG does prolong life in select patients with isolated blockage of the left main coronary artery, in diabetics, and in those with severe damage to the heart muscle that significantly impairs its ability to pump blood out of the heart. But in asymptomatic individuals with significant narrowing of multiple coronary arteries, the evidence of benefit is marginal, particularly if the patient is committed to a heart-healthy lifestyle. Sadly, I know of many asymptomatic patients over the age of 70 who, lured by the promise of a Heartsaver CT, were diagnosed with a high calcium score and received invasive, aggressive therapy. I will never forget the patient who, at age 78, had a Heartsaver CT. She had a high calcium score and was referred to a cardiologist, who told her she needed immediate surgery. She had major complications and spent the last three years of her life in a nursing home. Prior to her surgery she was healthy, happy and independent. The heart CT scan is best used for patients experiencing shortness of breath or chest pain. In this circumstance, it can help determine the cause of the symptoms. But for the healthy, and particularly for those over age 70, the heart CT should be used sparingly, if at all. Everyone from middle age and beyond should consider himself at high risk of heart disease. As such, we should all live a heart-healthy lifestyle -- eat a healthy diet, exercise, take an aspirin a day, stop smoking, and treat elevated blood pressure and cholesterol. The greatest role of the heart CT scan is to help patients understand their risk of heart attack. For healthy, asymptomatic middle-aged adults, these scans ultimately confirm what we already should know -- it simply does not make sense. ======== Dr. David Lipschitz is the author of the book "Breaking the Rules of Aging." To find out more about Dr. David Lipschitz and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at More information is available at
Copyright 2008 Creators Syndicate Inc.
Monday, April 28, 2008
SOS. HELP BRUNO. Blog Solidarity

The boy in these photos is Bruno Alberto Gentiletti. He disappeared on March 2, 1997 in Rosario's resort called La Florida when he was 9 years old (see first photo).
Bruno has green greyish eyes, chestnut-colored hair, white skin and a scar located in the right scapula. He was born on June 18, 1988 in Las Rosas, Santa Fe, Argentina.
Today Bruno is 19 years old. His family did a study of progression of age at the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Bruno would look like the second photo now.
We believe that you can help us find him. So I ask you to send an email with the information and/or the address of this blog to all your friends and acquaintances, in this country and around the world, so that in turn, they can do the same.
We believe that you can help us find him. So I ask you to send an email with the information and/or the address of this blog to all your friends and acquaintances, in this country and around the world, so that in turn, they can do the same.
Like Bruno, there are thousands of children who have been denied the right to grow up with their families and they all deserve that an effort be made to find them.
Thank you for YOUR HELP!!!
Marisa Olguín ( Bruno’s Mother)Juan de Garay 867 - Las Rosas - Santa Fe - Argentina
Thank you for YOUR HELP!!!
Marisa Olguín ( Bruno’s Mother)Juan de Garay 867 - Las Rosas - Santa Fe - Argentina
Tel.: 03471-454212
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rheumatoid Arthritis Victims Work More
BOSTON (UPI) -- The employability of men and women with advanced rheumatoid arthritis has improved since the mid-1980s, a Boston University study found. Lead author Saralynn Allaire used the National Data Bank longitudinal study of rheumatoid arthritis and identified 5,384 subjects for analysis and had participants complete extensive surveys every six months from 2002 to 2005. The mean age of the rheumatoid arthritis study population was 52 years -- 82 percent of the subjects were women and 63 percent had more than a high school education. Nearly three-quarters of these employed subjects worked full-time, 41 percent held professional or managerial jobs and 16 percent were self-employed. The annual incidence of premature work cessation was 12 percent in 2003, 9 percent in 2004, and 9 percent in 2005. The study, published in the Arthritis Care & Research, found the incidence of work cessation directly attributed to arthritis was about 6 percent per year, and decreased slightly over the three-year study period. The study authors said declines in both the unemployment rate and the physical demands of U.S. jobs , as well as improvements in medical treatment may account for less rheumatoid arthritis disability.
BOSTON (UPI) -- The employability of men and women with advanced rheumatoid arthritis has improved since the mid-1980s, a Boston University study found. Lead author Saralynn Allaire used the National Data Bank longitudinal study of rheumatoid arthritis and identified 5,384 subjects for analysis and had participants complete extensive surveys every six months from 2002 to 2005. The mean age of the rheumatoid arthritis study population was 52 years -- 82 percent of the subjects were women and 63 percent had more than a high school education. Nearly three-quarters of these employed subjects worked full-time, 41 percent held professional or managerial jobs and 16 percent were self-employed. The annual incidence of premature work cessation was 12 percent in 2003, 9 percent in 2004, and 9 percent in 2005. The study, published in the Arthritis Care & Research, found the incidence of work cessation directly attributed to arthritis was about 6 percent per year, and decreased slightly over the three-year study period. The study authors said declines in both the unemployment rate and the physical demands of U.S. jobs , as well as improvements in medical treatment may account for less rheumatoid arthritis disability.
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Friday, April 25, 2008

Barriers Persist for Fitness in Girls
MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) -- U.S. girls are participating in sports in record numbers, but their physical activity outside of organized sports is declining, U.S. researchers said. A report released by the University of Minnesota's Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport said girls' participation rates in all types of physical activities consistently lag behind those of boys and girls' dropout rates are higher contributing to obesity levels. The report also said outdated, stereotypical standards of femininity and masculinity continue to influence the extent to which girls participate in or shun physical activity. "Female athletes continue to be trivialized through the popular media's widespread sexualization of women and traditional models of physical education organized around competition, team sports, power, strength and aggression which focus on the "motor elite" rather than skill development, disadvantage girls," the report said. "Poverty substantially limits many girls' access to, and participation in, physical activity and sport, especially for girls of color who are overrepresented in lower socioeconomic groups," report author Nicole LaVoi said in a statement.
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Life is the most precious gift from your parents and should be treasured above all else. (Brenda A. Ysaguirre)

The Yellow ribbon is a sign for Suicide Awareness.

The Yellow ribbon is a sign for Suicide Awareness.
Net Sites Offer Suicide Methods, Not Help
BRISTOL, England (UPI) -- A person searching the Internet for suicide methods is more likely to find sites encouraging suicide than sites offering help and support, a British study said. Researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Oxford and Manchester set out to replicate a typical search that might be undertaken by a person looking for instructions and information about methods of suicide using the four most popular search engines -- Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask -- and 12 simple search terms. They analyzed the first 10 sites from each search, giving a total of 480 hits. Altogether, 240 different sites were found and just under half of these provided some information about methods of suicide. Almost one-fifth of hits were for dedicated suicide sites, of which half were judged to be encouraging, promoting or facilitating suicide. The study, published in the British Medical Journal, also found that 62 sites, or 13 percent, focused on suicide prevention or offered support -- and 59 sites, or 12 percent, actively discouraged suicide. Almost all dedicated suicide and factual information sites provided information about methods of suicide, the study said. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
BRISTOL, England (UPI) -- A person searching the Internet for suicide methods is more likely to find sites encouraging suicide than sites offering help and support, a British study said. Researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Oxford and Manchester set out to replicate a typical search that might be undertaken by a person looking for instructions and information about methods of suicide using the four most popular search engines -- Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask -- and 12 simple search terms. They analyzed the first 10 sites from each search, giving a total of 480 hits. Altogether, 240 different sites were found and just under half of these provided some information about methods of suicide. Almost one-fifth of hits were for dedicated suicide sites, of which half were judged to be encouraging, promoting or facilitating suicide. The study, published in the British Medical Journal, also found that 62 sites, or 13 percent, focused on suicide prevention or offered support -- and 59 sites, or 12 percent, actively discouraged suicide. Almost all dedicated suicide and factual information sites provided information about methods of suicide, the study said. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Study: War of the Sexes may begin in Womb
TEL AVIV, Israel (UPI) -- The battle of the sexes may begin in the womb, researchers at Tel Aviv University say. The researchers analyzed the incidence of complications, such as respiratory distress syndrome, found in pre-term twins. When born prematurely, girls who share the womb with a boy twin lost the respiratory health advantage normally seen in premature girl infants, the researchers discovered. "The male disadvantage, the study suggests, seems to be transferred from the boy to the girl in utero," Brian Reichman, a lecturer in pediatrics at Tel Aviv University's Sackler School of Medicine said in a statement. The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, found compared to premature twin boys, premature twin girls had a 60 percent advantage. The premature twin girls tended not to develop respiratory distress syndrome and chronic lung diseases sometimes found in premature infants. This advantage was lost in infant girls with a male twin. Reichman helped analyze the data collected by the Israel Neonatal Network comprising 8,858 very low birth weight infants -- 1 to 3 pounds -- born prematurely at 24 to 34 weeks' gestation. The study data covered infants born between 1995 and 2003 and included singletons, same-sex and mixed-sex pre-term twins. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
TEL AVIV, Israel (UPI) -- The battle of the sexes may begin in the womb, researchers at Tel Aviv University say. The researchers analyzed the incidence of complications, such as respiratory distress syndrome, found in pre-term twins. When born prematurely, girls who share the womb with a boy twin lost the respiratory health advantage normally seen in premature girl infants, the researchers discovered. "The male disadvantage, the study suggests, seems to be transferred from the boy to the girl in utero," Brian Reichman, a lecturer in pediatrics at Tel Aviv University's Sackler School of Medicine said in a statement. The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, found compared to premature twin boys, premature twin girls had a 60 percent advantage. The premature twin girls tended not to develop respiratory distress syndrome and chronic lung diseases sometimes found in premature infants. This advantage was lost in infant girls with a male twin. Reichman helped analyze the data collected by the Israel Neonatal Network comprising 8,858 very low birth weight infants -- 1 to 3 pounds -- born prematurely at 24 to 34 weeks' gestation. The study data covered infants born between 1995 and 2003 and included singletons, same-sex and mixed-sex pre-term twins. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Testosterone helps Men with Osteoporosis
SAN DIEGO (UPI) -- Preliminary data show beneficial effects of testosterone therapy on men low in testosterone and at risk for osteoporosis, U.S. researchers said. University of Texas researchers said low levels of gender hormones -- estrogen in women and testosterone in men -- can lead to diminished bone mineral density and less cushioning to protect the bone from cracking in a slip or fall. However, testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is the standard of care used to improve bone strength and muscle mass in males, but it has been associated with prostate cancer, high red blood cell levels and its other effects are not fully known. In the study, 13 men ages 60 to 85 had testosterone levels between 200 to 500 nanograms per deciliter of blood at the time of enrollment, compared to normal limits of 250-800. Each was enrolled in one of three double-blind groups with different testosterone levels. The study found both continuous and monthly cycled testosterone replacement was beneficial for bone density. The findings are being reported at the 121st annual meeting of the American Physiological Society, part of Experimental Biology 2008 scientific conference in San Diego.
SAN DIEGO (UPI) -- Preliminary data show beneficial effects of testosterone therapy on men low in testosterone and at risk for osteoporosis, U.S. researchers said. University of Texas researchers said low levels of gender hormones -- estrogen in women and testosterone in men -- can lead to diminished bone mineral density and less cushioning to protect the bone from cracking in a slip or fall. However, testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is the standard of care used to improve bone strength and muscle mass in males, but it has been associated with prostate cancer, high red blood cell levels and its other effects are not fully known. In the study, 13 men ages 60 to 85 had testosterone levels between 200 to 500 nanograms per deciliter of blood at the time of enrollment, compared to normal limits of 250-800. Each was enrolled in one of three double-blind groups with different testosterone levels. The study found both continuous and monthly cycled testosterone replacement was beneficial for bone density. The findings are being reported at the 121st annual meeting of the American Physiological Society, part of Experimental Biology 2008 scientific conference in San Diego.
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Saturday, April 19, 2008

SAN DIEGO (UPI) -- A green tea anti-oxidant that helps stop cell damage and aging may inhibit breast cancer, U.S. researchers suggest. University of Mississippi Medical Center researchers find the green tea anti-oxidant epigallocatechin-3- gallate, known as EGCG, significantly inhibits breast tumor growth in female mice. Senior researcher, Dr. Jian-Wei Gu suggests EGCG reduces breast cancer by targeting both tumor blood vessel formation through the lowering of vascular endothelial growth factor and tumor cell nutrients that promote growth and proliferation, or angiogenesis. "In this study we have demonstrated that the frequent ingestion of EGCG significantly inhibits breast tumor growth, vascular endothelial growth factor expression and tumor angiogenesis in mice," Gu says in a statement. Seven-week old female mice injected with breast cancer cells and given EGCG in their drinking water showed significant decreases in tumor cross section area, tumor weight and vascular endothelial growth factor protein levels compared to control mice receiving regular drinking water during the five-week study. Vascular endothelial growth factor plasma levels were also lower in EGCG mice than in control mice. Gu is presenting the team's findings at the 121st annual meeting of the American Physiological Society -- part of the Experimental Biology 2008 conference in San Diego.
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Friday, April 18, 2008

Stress, Larger Home Affect Cocaine Use
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (UPI) -- Increased stress -- or conversely nicer environments -- may affect the amount of cocaine use, U.S. researchers suggest. Wake Forest University School of Medicine researchers built on their findings that monkeys naturally stratify and lower strata monkeys are more likely to self-administer cocaine. Michael Nader and colleagues exposed 24 cynomolgus macaques, a primate native to Southeast Asia -- to larger-than-normal cages and the stress of being placed next to another social group and gave them the choice of intravenous cocaine or food pellets. The stress and the nicer home life reduced the drug response of all the animals, but the detrimental affect of the stress -- more drug intake, less food -- was more prominent in the subordinate monkeys. "This is very significant, first, it is a result that could be directly applied to the human situation," Nader said in a statement. "It suggests that a better environment could alleviate at least some of the risk that individuals will turn to drugs. Secondly, we are talking about just a slightly improved living condition. Imagine what the effect could be with higher quality enrichment, such as interesting activities." Nader presented the findings at the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics at the Experimental Biology 2008 scientific conference in San Diego. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (UPI) -- Increased stress -- or conversely nicer environments -- may affect the amount of cocaine use, U.S. researchers suggest. Wake Forest University School of Medicine researchers built on their findings that monkeys naturally stratify and lower strata monkeys are more likely to self-administer cocaine. Michael Nader and colleagues exposed 24 cynomolgus macaques, a primate native to Southeast Asia -- to larger-than-normal cages and the stress of being placed next to another social group and gave them the choice of intravenous cocaine or food pellets. The stress and the nicer home life reduced the drug response of all the animals, but the detrimental affect of the stress -- more drug intake, less food -- was more prominent in the subordinate monkeys. "This is very significant, first, it is a result that could be directly applied to the human situation," Nader said in a statement. "It suggests that a better environment could alleviate at least some of the risk that individuals will turn to drugs. Secondly, we are talking about just a slightly improved living condition. Imagine what the effect could be with higher quality enrichment, such as interesting activities." Nader presented the findings at the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics at the Experimental Biology 2008 scientific conference in San Diego. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Depression is an Alzheimer's Risk Factor
CHICAGO (UPI) -- Depression is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease rather than a subtle early sign of its underlying pathology, a U.S. study suggests. Researchers analyzed data from the Rush Religious Orders Study, a cohort of 917 older Catholic clergy without dementia at study onset. Study participants were tracked for 13 years and 190 developed Alzheimer's disease. The study, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, found, consistent with earlier findings, having more depressive symptoms at baseline was associated with increased incidence of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Robert S. Wilson, a neuropsychologist at the Rush University Medical Center's Alzheimer's Disease Center and colleagues, say those who developed Alzheimer's disease showed no increase in depressive symptoms before clinical diagnosis. "Depressive symptoms may be associated with distinctive changes in the brain that somehow reduce neural reserve, which is the brain's ability to tolerate the pathology associated with Alzheimer's disease," Wilson said in a statement.
CHICAGO (UPI) -- Depression is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease rather than a subtle early sign of its underlying pathology, a U.S. study suggests. Researchers analyzed data from the Rush Religious Orders Study, a cohort of 917 older Catholic clergy without dementia at study onset. Study participants were tracked for 13 years and 190 developed Alzheimer's disease. The study, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, found, consistent with earlier findings, having more depressive symptoms at baseline was associated with increased incidence of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Robert S. Wilson, a neuropsychologist at the Rush University Medical Center's Alzheimer's Disease Center and colleagues, say those who developed Alzheimer's disease showed no increase in depressive symptoms before clinical diagnosis. "Depressive symptoms may be associated with distinctive changes in the brain that somehow reduce neural reserve, which is the brain's ability to tolerate the pathology associated with Alzheimer's disease," Wilson said in a statement.
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lifelong Health: No Sitting on The News That Exercise Affects Longevity
Dr. David Lipschitz
Dr. David Lipschitz
In the longevity game, we all know that exercise trumps nutrition. Fat or thin, exercise adds years to life, but one question persists: How much exercise is enough? It has been an unending debate of how much, how long and how vigorously you should exercise. This month, researchers at the American Heart Association's Conference on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism added interesting information to the exercise debate, showing that even a little exercise significantly improved the quality of life in postmenopausal, overweight women. In a study, called "Dose Response to Exercise in postmenopausal Women (DREW)," researchers examined the benefits of exercise in 430 sedentary, overweight or obese women. They were divided into four groups who either did not exercise or who exercised for about 73, 135 or 193 minutes a week. First published in 2007, this study showed that women who exercised the longest and hardest had the best quality of life. However, at this month's conference meeting, Angela Thompson, co-author of the study, reported information specifically on the women who exercised very little. Here, research showed that slow to moderate exercising for an average of only 10 minutes daily resulted in a significant improvement in overall well-being and quality of life. The message is clear: Don't be disheartened if you find it difficult to exercise -- a little is much better than nothing at all. With age, your body naturally loses muscle. People over age 50 naturally have less muscle and more fat than they did in their 20s. If an older person is overweight and sedentary, the loss of muscle increases, weakness follows and, over time, this leads to difficulty walking, a high risk of dangerous falls and a poorer quality of life. Without a doubt, building and maintaining muscle throughout life is vital to long-term independence. No matter your age, you must exercise -- especially if you are overweight. Exercise will not only prolong life and prevent disease, but also improve quality of life. Most importantly, exercise reduces the risk of developing gait and balance problems that frequently lead to physical disabilities in old age. The key questions are: How frequently should you exercise, and how much is enough? Simply put, the more you exercise, the better. Those who push themselves, build up a sweat and get those endorphins working will feel fabulous, have a great deal of energy, and be less likely to develop heart disease and stroke. In addition, they appear to live longer. But, many of us refuse to undertake a vigorous exercise program. If you fall into the "I don't exercise" category, it's time to consider a new approach. More exercise is better than a little exercise, but anything is better than none at all. For the determinedly sedentary, try these four suggestions: -- As soon as you wake up, stretch. This is a wonderful way to loosen up your muscles, reduce your risk of developing muscle pains and an excellent way to prepare for the day. -- Also, consider balance exercises. Weakness in certain groups of muscles, combined with age-related changes in the middle ear, predisposes individuals to problems with gait and balance. A simple approach to improve your balance is as follows: Stand up straight, and lightly hold on to a high chair or a countertop. Raise one foot off the ground, extend your leg and balance on the other leg for 10 seconds. Repeat this five times for each leg. Once you can do this easily, try the same exercise without holding on to a chair and finally with your eyes closed (very difficult). -- In addition to stretching and balance exercises, just get out and walk. Walk for a minimum of 10 minutes daily, and gradually increase the duration until you reach 30 minutes daily. -- Finally, once you have sparked the exercise fire, consider joining a gym and exercising with weights. Strength training builds muscle, strengthens bone and reduces the risk of falling by 80 percent. In the end, I will always push my patients to do more exercise. But a little exercise is better than nothing. Just get out there and do it. You will look and feel wonderful -- it's well worth it. ======== Dr. David Lipschitz is the author of the book "Breaking the Rules of Aging." To find out more about Dr. David Lipschitz and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at More information is available at
Copyright 2008 Creators Syndicate Inc.
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bitter Melon may help Type 2 Diabetics
SYDNEY (UPI) -- Bitter melon, a fruit used in traditional Chinese medicine, may help people with type 2 diabetes, Chinese and Australian researchers say. Dr. Jiming Ye of the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica said the researchers used 1 ton of the fruit to extract four bioactive components and found all four appear to activate the enzyme AMPK, which regulates fuel metabolism and aids in glucose uptake. The findings, published online in Chemistry & Biology, liken the action of the four compounds to that of exercise which also activates AMPK. Drugs are also used to activate AMPK, but these may have side effects. "The advantage of bitter melon is that there are no known side effects," Ye said in a statement. "Practitioners of Chinese medicine have used it for hundreds of years to good effect." Exercise activates AMPK in muscle, which in turn mediates the movement of glucose transporters to the cell surface -- the major reason that exercise is recommended for those with type 2 diabetes. "We can now understand at a molecular level why bitter melon works as a treatment for diabetes," David James of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney said in a statement. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
SYDNEY (UPI) -- Bitter melon, a fruit used in traditional Chinese medicine, may help people with type 2 diabetes, Chinese and Australian researchers say. Dr. Jiming Ye of the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica said the researchers used 1 ton of the fruit to extract four bioactive components and found all four appear to activate the enzyme AMPK, which regulates fuel metabolism and aids in glucose uptake. The findings, published online in Chemistry & Biology, liken the action of the four compounds to that of exercise which also activates AMPK. Drugs are also used to activate AMPK, but these may have side effects. "The advantage of bitter melon is that there are no known side effects," Ye said in a statement. "Practitioners of Chinese medicine have used it for hundreds of years to good effect." Exercise activates AMPK in muscle, which in turn mediates the movement of glucose transporters to the cell surface -- the major reason that exercise is recommended for those with type 2 diabetes. "We can now understand at a molecular level why bitter melon works as a treatment for diabetes," David James of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney said in a statement. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Saturday, April 12, 2008

How HRT is linked to breast cancer
COLUMBIA, Mo. (UPI) -- Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, may play a role in promoting cancer tumor cell proliferation, U.S. researchers suggest. The study, published in Cancer Research, found tumor cells exposed to progestin -- a hormone used in HRT -- was linked to an increase in growth factor promoting new blood vessels in tumors. The researchers also found using an antibody that prevents new blood vessel formation in tumors -- known as PRIMA -- re-activated the protein p53. When p53 was activated within tumor cells, the number of breast cancer cells reduced significantly. "As women age, many develop tiny lesions in their breasts," study leader Salman Hyder of the University of Missouri-Columbia said in a statement. "The majority of the time, these lesions never expand. We think this might be due to p53s. We found in our study that when the protein is active, it reduces the number of breast cancer cells in the body by inhibiting the growth factor that supplies blood vessels to the tumor." However, when the cells of these lesions are exposed to progestin in a body that does not have an active p53 protein, the researchers found that the cells might start expanding and turn into tumors, Hyder said. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Vaccine for Ebola virus being tested
EDINBURGH, Scotland (UPI) -- U.S. and Canadian researchers are finding success in primates with vaccines to prevent the Ebola virus. Dr. Anthony Sanchez of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta said one of the candidate vaccines is about to be tested on people for the first time. "The biothreat posed by Ebola virus cannot be overlooked. We are seeing more and more naturally occurring human outbreaks of this deadly disease. With worldwide air travel and tourism, the virus can now be transported to and from remote regions of the world. And it has huge potential as a possible weapon of bioterrorism," Sanchez said in statement. "We desperately need a protective vaccine." Ebola hemorrhagic fever has a 90 percent mortality rate and there have been more than 1,500 cases in humans, Sanchez said. The Ebola virus is so dangerous only a very limited number of high containment facilities and staff are authorized to conduct Ebola virus research. Sanchez is presenting the findings at the Society for General Microbiology meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Monday, April 7, 2008

Teen Brains are Really Different
BETHESDA, Md. (UPI) -- U.S. researchers are confirming what parents may already know -- teens have brains that are truly different. The study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, shows via brain scans that the brain is the largest it will ever be in the early teens and parts are in the process of being overdeveloped and then discarded, making adolescence a time of perilous opportunity. "Adolescence is a time of substantial neurobiological and behavioral change, but the teen brain is not a broken or defective adult brain," study leader Dr. Jay Giedd of the National Institute of Mental Health says in a statement. The brain has a general pattern of childhood peaks of gray matter -- frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe and occipital lobe -- followed by adolescent declines. As parts of the brain are overdeveloped and then discarded, the structure of the brain becomes more refined, Giedd says. There is a changing balance between limbic/subcortical and frontal lobe functions that extends well into young adulthood as different cognitive and emotional systems mature at different rates, the study says. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
BETHESDA, Md. (UPI) -- U.S. researchers are confirming what parents may already know -- teens have brains that are truly different. The study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, shows via brain scans that the brain is the largest it will ever be in the early teens and parts are in the process of being overdeveloped and then discarded, making adolescence a time of perilous opportunity. "Adolescence is a time of substantial neurobiological and behavioral change, but the teen brain is not a broken or defective adult brain," study leader Dr. Jay Giedd of the National Institute of Mental Health says in a statement. The brain has a general pattern of childhood peaks of gray matter -- frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe and occipital lobe -- followed by adolescent declines. As parts of the brain are overdeveloped and then discarded, the structure of the brain becomes more refined, Giedd says. There is a changing balance between limbic/subcortical and frontal lobe functions that extends well into young adulthood as different cognitive and emotional systems mature at different rates, the study says. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Parent 'Control' Can Delay Child Maturity
BERLIN (UPI) -- Parents who "over control" and "under control" their children may delay their development, a German study found. Study leader Jaap Denissen of Humboldt-University Berlin assessed degrees of shyness and aggressiveness of 230 children through parental scales and teacher reports every year from their first or second year in preschool until age 12. After age 12, the sample was reassessed twice, at ages 17 and 23. Resilient personality is characterized by above average emotional stability, IQ and academic achievement. Over control is characterized by low scores on extraversion, emotional stability and self-esteem. Under control is characterized by low scores on emotional stability and agreeableness and high scores on aggressive behavior. The 19-year longitudinal study found resilient males were found to leave their parents' house approximately one year earlier than over controlled or under controlled children. Over controlled boys took more than a year longer than others in finding a romantic partner. Resilient boys and girls were faster in getting a part-time job than their over controlled and under controlled peers. The study is published in the study in the Journal of Personality.
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
BERLIN (UPI) -- Parents who "over control" and "under control" their children may delay their development, a German study found. Study leader Jaap Denissen of Humboldt-University Berlin assessed degrees of shyness and aggressiveness of 230 children through parental scales and teacher reports every year from their first or second year in preschool until age 12. After age 12, the sample was reassessed twice, at ages 17 and 23. Resilient personality is characterized by above average emotional stability, IQ and academic achievement. Over control is characterized by low scores on extraversion, emotional stability and self-esteem. Under control is characterized by low scores on emotional stability and agreeableness and high scores on aggressive behavior. The 19-year longitudinal study found resilient males were found to leave their parents' house approximately one year earlier than over controlled or under controlled children. Over controlled boys took more than a year longer than others in finding a romantic partner. Resilient boys and girls were faster in getting a part-time job than their over controlled and under controlled peers. The study is published in the study in the Journal of Personality.
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Friday, April 4, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Parkinson's in Mice treated by Cloning
NEW YORK (UPI) -- A U.S. and Japanese study used therapeutic cloning to treat Parkinson's disease in mice. The nucleus taken from skin cells from the tail of the mouse were used to generate "customized" dopamine neurons. The study, published online in Nature Medicine, found mice receiving dopamine neurons from the individually matched stem cell lines showed neurological improvement. But when these neurons were grafted into mice that did not genetically match the transplanted cells, the cells did not survive well and the mice did not recover. The researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York -- led by study senior author Dr. Lorenz Studer and lead author Dr. Viviane Tabar -- collaborated with scientists at the Riken Institute in Kobe, Japan. They say this is the first time therapeutic cloning, also known as somatic-cell nuclear transfer has been shown to treat Parkinson's disease in mice. In somatic-cell nuclear transfer, the nucleus of a cell taken from the body of the donor subject is used to replace an egg's nucleus. This cell develops into a blastocyst from which embryonic stem cells are taken for therapeutic purposes, the researchers say. Since the genetic information in the resulting stem cells comes from the donor subject, they are not attacked by the immune system when used to treat the donor subject, the study says.
NEW YORK (UPI) -- A U.S. and Japanese study used therapeutic cloning to treat Parkinson's disease in mice. The nucleus taken from skin cells from the tail of the mouse were used to generate "customized" dopamine neurons. The study, published online in Nature Medicine, found mice receiving dopamine neurons from the individually matched stem cell lines showed neurological improvement. But when these neurons were grafted into mice that did not genetically match the transplanted cells, the cells did not survive well and the mice did not recover. The researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York -- led by study senior author Dr. Lorenz Studer and lead author Dr. Viviane Tabar -- collaborated with scientists at the Riken Institute in Kobe, Japan. They say this is the first time therapeutic cloning, also known as somatic-cell nuclear transfer has been shown to treat Parkinson's disease in mice. In somatic-cell nuclear transfer, the nucleus of a cell taken from the body of the donor subject is used to replace an egg's nucleus. This cell develops into a blastocyst from which embryonic stem cells are taken for therapeutic purposes, the researchers say. Since the genetic information in the resulting stem cells comes from the donor subject, they are not attacked by the immune system when used to treat the donor subject, the study says.
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Coffee creamer is a hidden source of calories
WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Coffee creamer can pack on the calories, the non-profit Center for Science in the Public Interest said Monday in Washington. The nutrition label on Coffee-mate might list 10 calories and one-half a gram of saturated fat, but most people use about a tablespoon-size serving, Bonnie Liebman, nutrition director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, said. "Anyone glancing at the Nutrition Facts label for most of these coffee creamers would have a false sense of security," Liebman said in a statement. It's more like 45 calories and 3 grams of heart-harmful saturated fat and three of four servings in office coffee daily and a person can consume half a day's saturated fat via coffee creamer, Liebman said. Several iterations of Coffee-mate and other brands are lower in saturated and trans fat. The findings, published by the Center for Science in the Public Interest's April issue of its Nutrition Action Healthletter, said that its only "Best Bite" ratings go to International Delight Fat Free and Silk liquid creamers, as well as plain old fat-free, 1 percent, 2 percent, or even whole milk, and the fat-free half & half made by Land O'Lakes and some store brands. Copyright 2008 by United Press International
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