Friday, May 31, 2013
How To Keep Herbs Fresh - Tips to Care for Herbs and Prolong Their Potency
Food flavor is intensified and improved with fresh herbs. But did you know that unless you plan to use the entire bunch in one dish, the freshness diminishes if they’re not stored and cared for properly? After a few days, little remains of the freshness and rich smell of these herbs, as you see your money slowly wilting away. Here are a few effective methods to help prolong the life of your herbs.
Cheer up your kitchen with an herb bouquet
Fresh herbs should be treated exactly like a precious flower bouquet. When you’ve used what you need, trim the ends and place the remaining bunch in a jar full of cold water. Just like you would with flowers, cut the stalks every few days to help with water absorption.
For best results, herbs such as cilantro and parsley stay fresh longer in cold water, covered with a plastic bag and kept in the refrigerator door—the warmest spot in the refrigerator. Basil and mint bouquets make beautiful kitchen decorations and can be kept at room temperature on your windowsill.
Wrap them up
If you lack space in your kitchen, wrap the herbs in a damp paper towel, place them in a re-sealable plastic bag and store them in your refrigerator’s crisper drawer. If you’re using a gallon-size bag, store several different herbs wrapped separately in one bag to avoid waste. Continue to monitor the paper towel’s dampness by simply replacing with a new damp towel or misting the one in use.
Be careful when storing thyme and rosemary. Don’t use too much moisture on these woodsy herbs because it can cause them to grow mold.
If you want to avoid the use of plastic bags and paper towels, a clean kitchen towel works as well. Keep it moist, wrap it around your herbs and place it in the crisper drawer.
Remember that the smaller the leaf and thinner the stalk, the more care and monitoring the herb needs. By checking on your herbs two to three times a week, you’ll be prolonging the life of your herbs while at the same time saving some money.
Blanquéate los dientes con salvia, una hierba de múltiples usos
Imagen via Enriqueta Lemoine
Se dice que la salvia tiene propiedades bactericidas, cicatrizantes, antisépticas, antiespasmódicas, antidiarreicas, anti vomitivas, carminativas, antiinflamatorias, relajantes, diuréticas, antisépticas y anti sudoríficas. Sigue leyendo para que veas algunos de sus usos:
Como incienso. Si enciendes un buen bouquet de ramas y hojas de salvia secas, es perfecto para purificar el ambiente, según la costumbre de los primeros pobladores de Norteamérica.
Como blanqueador de dientes. Masticar hojas de salvia fresca no sólo refrescará tu aliento y fortificará tus encías, si frotas las hojas en tus dientes, te beneficiarás de su efecto blanqueador.
Contra los trastornos femeninos. La salvia contiene estrógeno y por lo mismo es indicada para los trastornos menstruales y hasta para los calorones y sofocos propios de la menopausia.
Como digestivo. Después de una comida abundante, haz una infusión de hojas de salvia y manzanilla en una taza de agua hirviendo. Deja reposar 20 minutos y tómala como un té.
Contra la amigdalitis. Prepara una infusión hirviendo dos litros de agua con 20 hojas de salvia y una onza de manzanilla. Deja reposar por media hora y haz gárgaras tres veces al día.
Contra el dolor de garganta. Prepara una infusión hirviendo un litro de agua con 10 hojas de salvia. Deja reposar 15 minutos y agrega cuatro cucharadas de sal marina gruesa. Haz gárgaras tres veces al día.
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